
Archive: October, 2020

The Connection Between Endometriosis and Ovarian Cancer

Endometriosis Australia estimates over 800,000 Australian women suffer from endometriosis. Studies show that there can be a significant delay of around 7 years in the diagnosis of endometriosis.

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What is the Ovarian Cancer Survival Rate?

Read more about ' What is the Ovarian Cancer Survival Rate?'...

What is the most aggressive type of uterine cancer?

In Australia, uterine cancer is the most common type of gynaecological cancer with more than 3,000 women diagnosed every year.

Read more about 'What is the most aggressive type of uterine cancer?'...

Warning signs of endometrial cancer

Also known as uterine cancer, endometrial cancer begins from abnormal cells at the inner lining of the uterus (called the endometrium).

Read more about 'Warning signs of endometrial cancer'...